我司青年博士黄朝宝作为第一作者撰写的《Super convergence of a Finite Element Method for the Multi-term Time-Fractional Diffusion Problem》于2020年1月在《Journal of Scientific Computing》期刊82卷10期上发表。该期刊为我司特类期刊。
为积极落实和切实提高我司师均论文产出,截至目前,黄朝宝老师以第一作者撰写的另外三篇论文《Optimal spatial H1-norm analysis of a finite element method for a time-fractional diffusion equation》、《A Local discontinuous Galerkin method for time-fractional diffusion equation with discontinuous coefficient》和《Error analysis of a finite element method with GMMP temporal discretisation for a time-fractional diffusion equation》分别正式发表于《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》367卷、《Applied Numerical Mathematics》151卷和《Computers and Mathematics with Applications》79卷,这三种期刊均为我司A1期刊。